Membership Information

Rules and Membership Options
Membership requires the payment of annual dues.

A. Institutional Membership

  1. Law Schools may purchase an institutional membership. Each institutional membership grants up to two representatives all rights and privileges of  individual membership. Representatives may be selected from currently serving faculty and staff.   

  2. Organizations, other than law schools, whose purpose relates to legal education, may become institutional members. Organizations that hold institutional memberships may designate representatives to serve as associate members of ALDIP.  The Board shall determine the number of associate members an organization may designate. 

  3. Institutional members shall not vote in officer elections or hold positions on the Board.

B. Individual Membership

  1. Individual members shall be faculty or staff associated with American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law schools. 

  2. More than one individual from any law school may become a member, but each individual shall pay dues. 

  3. Each individual member shall have one vote. No member shall sell or transfer their vote for money or any other thing of value, nor shall any member be permitted to offer a proxy for their vote at any meeting of the association. The right of a member to vote, and their right, title, and interest in or to the organization or its property, shall cease on the termination of their membership. 

C. Associate Membership

  1. Faculty and administrative officers from provisionally accredited law schools may become associate members with the approval of the Board; or

  2. Former faculty and administrative officers from accredited law schools may become associate members with the approval of the Board; or

  3. Representatives of other organizations whose purpose relates to legal education may become associate members upon approval by the Board of Directors. 

  4. More than one representative of a law school or organization may hold associate membership, but each representative shall pay dues.

  5. Associate members shall vote in officer elections.

  6. Associate members may not hold positions on the Board.

  7. Associate members may participate in the affairs of ALDIP, including the right to vote, debate, and hold membership in committees, subcommittees, and ad hoc committees.

D. Members Emeriti 

  1. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, confer emeritus/emerita membership upon individuals who have served ALDIP with distinction but who are no longer active in law school affairs. 

  2. Members emeriti neither have a vote nor may they hold elective office but otherwise enjoy all the benefits of membership.